The Weatherization Program helps eligible low-income households reduce their energy consumption and make the home safe, comfortable, and energy efficient. The program serves renters or owners who live in mobile homes, traditional wood framed homes, or apartments.
Program participants receive a home energy assessment to determine its energy use. The program addresses furnace and moisture problems, as wells as other potentially dangerous situations. Air conditioners are available for eligible households during the summer months.
HOME Rehabilitation
HOME Rehabilitation preserves and extends the life of existing homes in rural North Dakota. The program assists low-income and moderate-income individuals/families that meet 80 percent of the area’s Median Family Income as determined by HUD. The specific regional needs determine the type and extent of home rehabilitation offered.
Eligibility Guidelines
Must qualify and be approved for LIHEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program). Cooling assistance is available for individuals 60 years of age and older. Individuals under 60 with a documented medical need may be eligible for assistance.
For more information on LIHEAP – please visit your local county social services agency or go to